Tuesday, 21 February 2017

200K PageViews P.M!! A year in Blogging & What I've Learned

Welcome to 

Alfonzo Words

WHistle* How time flies when you're having fun.
Can't believe it's been a year already.
Can I just say....
Wooooooooooohooooo! Yippee Ki Yay! 
From the bottom of my heart
Thank You!!! Thank You!!!

Y'all got me feeling:

& Like....

Wow, woah, WOW! I never thought I'd get here any time soon. 200k/ TWO Hundred-frikkin'-Thousand Pageviews per month. Especially since I'd been away most of December and some of January due to a personal abyss I'd been trapped in. But to come back, seeing my blog stats at 200k pageviews was truly truly humbling and heart melting.
So, obviously I had to test the stats and I waited another month to see if it would hit 200k again and won't you dang too-tin know it. As of today my blog hit the mark for a consecutive month!

To all of you, My Readers:
my inspiration, my magical superstars that have made ALL of this possible through your amazing support & fanatical comments. I'm am irrevocably and unequivocally in AWE of YOU. Truly and truly humbled & honored by your return visits to my posts & content.

SO Again I must say:

Thank You!!! Thank You!!!

I am Beyond Grateful

Social Media Promotions Packages Now Available!!!
Hire me to promote your brand/ campaign or product

  • Email: enaidu710@gmail.com
  • Cell: 0782531566

It's been quite the journey, both as a learning curve and an eye-opening experience. I remember starting this a year ago in February of 2016 after I had written my novel The Cured: Rebirth
An excerpt can be found on this post here:

The First Date

I had read that a good platform to build on for authors was a blog so I decided to test the waters. Soon and without any warning I became hooked, if only due to the amazing people that I met through this and all of the unbelievable support in light of my "newbie" status. Post after post was dished out with no specific "niche" in mind. All I wanted to do was post about the things I loved most.
Things like:
And true to my Author Nature, a bunch of short stories too

Mommy Blogger: How I found out I was Pregnant


But soon other "Themes" & Weekly fun began to emerge on the blog.
One such Special Mention has to go to The Blog Tag angels, Cassarica & Sumarie.
Who also collaborated with me on The Zemlja Dosta Chronicles.

Their aim is to provide weekly writing prompts for bloggers & support them along their journey.
I had such hilarious FUN with these!
Wrote outside my comfort Zone on prompts like a Beauty Product Review & I can't remember what this prompt was but it was definitely Beauty related LOL

Confessions of a Teenage Blogger Queen

An awesome weekly prompt that was initiated by them were Various Tags based on that week's theme.
For example if that week was all about Movies, then by the end a Movie Tag with fun questions was created.
After doing a few and lovin' them I thought it was time to hear from someone else least I get boring LOL
From this the

Movie Tag: Akasha Garnier

was born and spanned many more interviews with Super-Fantastic & Talented individuals from all around the world.
Including one with a local superstar social media influencer

Inspire Tag: Karabo Mokgoko


Then on the 4th of June 2016, tragedy struck when I learned my long time Idol Muhammad Ali had passed away. Man, I was gutted, and I had to release all that grief into something positive. I had to share WHY he meant so much to me.
Which produced:

#RIPMuhammadAli - 5 Lessons You taught Me

Readers really responded to the 5 lessons & the condensed version of them.
So I began taking other Iconic figures that Inspired me like Ellen Degeneres (Who's catch phrase "Be Kind to One Another", I use to end each & every one of my posts), JK Rowling (Who is my All time Favorite Author) then summarizing just 5 powerful Life Lessons from them.

In the year prior I was introduced to the Wonderfully Wonderful world of Personal Development, from this experience I've also included a few posts on that, most notably:

How to OverCome Self-Doubt: A New Perspective to 6 Tips


In general I make it a rule not to care or get involved in politics, however on during the week of the 12th April 2016 the news became aflutter with news of "The Panama Papers" & after a work friend enticed me with the summary, my Author curiosity was peaked.

The Panama Papers: Who leaked the biggest leak in history?

The feedback was in a word, shocking. To me it was a passing thought that I wanted aired.
  • Irvin Joel made an Infographic.
  • And by 2016/04/19*
  • The Post was Shared/Featured in the French Online Press: http://panamapapers.press/
  • It was said that I wrote with true journalistic flare & reported on the story with new eyes in a new way.
MY All Time Favorite Post to Date has got to be this one though:

A Life without Traffic

It was one of my first posts as a blogger & one of the best ideas I've ever had. I love it.
I hope #GhostCars is invented one day.


First Post dated Monday, 8 February 2016

Novel: Behind the scenes

The first one was ofcourse my first 10,000 views on the blog but I can't seem to find that one

so the next one was on 14th July 2016, just 5 months from inception:

With the corresponding FaceBook Post

Then remarkably by the 19th October 2016, just under 3 months later:
With the corresponding FaceBook Post

And Now on the 21st January 2017, just another 3 months later:


With the corresponding FaceBook Post

Don't get me wrong though, I'm not doing this to boast or proclaim.
My aim is to log the journey & the moments that have been important to ME.
Because, do you know what I see when I look at these?
All the AMAZING, brightly lit souls that I've met and have been helping me #ShineThroughtheNoise

Special Mentions include:

Akasha Garnier

  • My EPIC promo partner, my mentor & friend
  • Author of the incredible Self-Help book #ShineThroughtheNoise
  • Without which I wouldn't have reached all these milestones
  • She inspires me Daily

Shelley Smidt-Booys

  • Ah Shells Bells! Inventor of the Word "Shego Boost" - her unique version of supporting others in her circle.
  • Love her to bits, was totally surprised when I heard her speak! hahaha
  • Author, Blogger, Fur Baby Momma & all around beautiful person
  • Her blog just got it's own domain, check out her soulful posts at thedealis.co.za

 Kathe Messina 

  • Also known as the #TwitterGracious Queen!
  • Featured on the blog & is currently the Most Popular post
  • Kathe has a unique flare for making EveryOne feel special on Twitter
  • She also RT's my content daily #MadLove Kathe!
  • Memoir Author coming soon &  ESL Teacher❤️

Eugenia Nazarova

  • An Account manager, branding consultant, blogger
  • Posts about the most unique & innovative marketing/advertising concepts out there
  • Beautiful inside & out, Eugenia has been a great friend for many a months now

200 Saturdays - Christine Tatum

Not Online at the moment but a super amazing & supportive friend. Missing her.


  • Nove is a highly successful & wonderfully mysterious twitter personality
  • She posts daily inspirational quotes attached to beautiful images from authors & other influential icons
  • Has inspired since the beginning of this journey
  • I'm truly honored to know her
  • Talent Publicist & Writer of Addictive Novels

Monica Wilcox

  • An Author, Columnist, Blogger & another twitter mystery
  • Monica, despite her fame is so down to earth just like the others mentioned today
  • She's always up for conversation, pondering this Roller-coaster we call being an Author
  • She posts daily inspirational quotes attached to beautiful images 
  • Grateful for her friendship, feeling kinship in how much I can relate to her

Lelanie Groenewald

  • Always RT's my content
  • Fun, music & anime loving girl from Cape Town
  • Arigato Lanie-chan

Nicky Drayden

  • Amazing Author of the upcoming 2017 release #ThePreyofGods a near future thriller set in South Africa
  • One of the best clients I've ever had the privilege of working with
  • Honored to have her Author Interview featured on the blog
  • Stay tuned for much more of Nicky's book in the coming months
  • Love Love her writing style & unique creativity 

Anna Othitis


  • Rapper extraordinaire with +300k followers on Twitter
  • Love's to Twitter boost & share others
  • Featured in a Music Tag blog post
  • Acclaimed Music Artist/Producer/World Peace Representative from Indianapolis, Indiana

Roy Huff ♛

  • Scientist, Teacher, Writer, Blogger, Traveler, Explorer, Thinker, Philosopher, Artist, #Lifehack expert, Author of Kindles #1 epic fantasy bestseller
  • Honestly the question should be what Doesn't this guy Do LOL
  • Roy is an amazing author & someone I aspire to be like someday
  • Featured in a Literature Tag blog post

Michael MoorcroftVerified account

  • An inspiring down to earth Male Model at First London.
  • A thief in the night. An heir to a throne. A prince with a dangerous face. 
  • Featured in an Inspire Tag blog post

The Wizard of Om

  • A brilliant mindfulness coach featured on the blog in an Inspire Tag
  • Has always made time to talk me through those anxiety ridden moments
  • Taught me a mindful technique that blew my mind & I love using now
  • Richie you rock bro!

Savannah Shea Blake

  • A true Light in Darkness, Leading the charge to a brighter future for us All
  • Vanna is a miracle worker! 
  • A Life Coach, Magic-Seeker & Rockstar Mom
  • Featured on the blog in an Inspire Tag
  • Has always made time to listen & help me through moments of severe pain
  • She's inspired me to lead a healthier lifestyle, focusing on my self care.

To my BEST Friend & human diary, Benita! 
ARIGATO over & over for your endless support. For being the first one to comment on every post & for always being there through the good & the bad, never changing that beautiful spirit of yours.
You are my rock, my tether, my "Grace"
Can never, ever repay your kindness BUT I intend to spend the rest of my life trying

And Lastly to ALL of you, the readers.

Thank You!!! Thank You!!!

I love y'all & can't wait to continue this journey with you.

Now it's time to ROCK OUT this year all the more

Stay Tuned, Happy Reading & #MADLove !!!❤️❤️❤️

And if you're new:
Welcome to 
Alfonzo Words

Social Media Promotions Packages Now Available!!!
Hire me to promote your brand/ campaign or product
  • Email: enaidu710@gmail.com
  • Cell: 0782531566

© Enricoh Alfonzo ~ Alfonzo Words
  • I’d love to keep connected with you! 
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~Be Kind to One Another~ Ellen Degeneres


  1. Congratulations for your followers!You rocks!

  2. Congrats!! Your blogs are awesome and I'm sure you will get more and more page views, just keep writing like you do. Thank you for the mention and no repayment is ever necessary, that's what friends are for :D really happy for you and I hope you're gna be blogging again soon!

  3. Love this post! I want to be like you when I grow up.

  4. Wow! 200 K page views is pretty impressive congratulations that is amazing news. You should write a post with tips on how to increase page views x

  5. wow congratulations! That seems incredible! I won't ever reach that I think but so impressive that you made it that far! :)

  6. Congratulations!!! You deserved it! Success can be found when you least expect it! 👍🍾🎈🎉🍾 and thank you for the mention and all kind words you wrote! Epic post!

  7. Congrats on the 200K page views. Here is to many more!

  8. Congratulations on your well deserved success! I love your array of posts and can see why your blog is so popular.

  9. Congrats on hitting such a major milestone! I know how hard it can be to build consistent traffic!

  10. Congrats this is awesome! As a blogger I realize that is a hard task!

  11. You are such a great person! I miss talking to you! xoxoxo

  12. Wow! What an accomplishment! Congratulations!

  13. This is awesome and such an accomplishment! Look forward to more of your reads, congratulations on 200k and many more :]


  14. Congrats on your page views. That is truly awesome.

  15. That was a lot and that calls for a celebration! You always had a wonderful post and many of us can relate to it, maybe that is why your blog is getting an innumerable follower. Keep up the good work!

  16. Wow!! 200,000 page views is AWESOME!!! God knows when I will reach that milestone. I'm moving at the speed of a snail when it comes to blogging.

  17. WOAH! Congrats!! This is beyond aspiring and I hop I have as much elation as you when I hit that many page views. Just wait, soon it will 500,000!!!

  18. Congratulations! It takes hardwork and effort and it's awesome that you finally reached 200k page views. Here's to more in the future!

  19. This is so awesome! You're doing an amazing job. Congrats!

  20. You're awesome!! Congrats on so much recognition! Here's to much more growth!

  21. Well done! This is another milestone on your blogging life! Cheers for more and looking forward that you may inspire more people by reading your posts. Congratulations!

  22. Congrats on that. Its an awesome accomplishment.

  23. Congratulations for reaching 200k! That's amazing! I'm sure you feel elated right now. It's going to be better in the coming months, for sure!

  24. Ahahaha I love this post. Congrats man.

  25. Wow a huge congrats to you! 200k is no easy feat, I hope you celebrate with some cake! And a toast to 300k!

  26. you are welcome. hope one day i will get that many views too. congratzz

  27. Congrats on 200K! That's a big deal!

  28. Your page views say it all. You're awesome and we all know it which is why we keep coming back for more.

  29. Wow what a great accomplishment! Hoping to get as many views as you do some day. Great blog btw

  30. Way to go! I just started my blog last month, so 200,000 seems like a long shot!

  31. Congratulations!! That is a HUGE accomplishment. I hope to be there one day soon.

  32. That is so amazing, congrats! I still have a stretch to go until I reach that milestone.

  33. Wow !!! 200k views!! Thats awesome!! congrats to you! Thats quite an accomplishment!!

  34. Congratulations on hitting such a huge milestone! That is truly a reflection of what fantastic work you are doing as a blogger.

  35. Congrats to you!! That is wonderful!

  36. Congratulations on all your hard work. Keep it up.

  37. Many, many congratulations .. that's such a huge milestone! You know .. maybe a post would be in order about how you did it? Every blogger I know would read .. guaranteed!

  38. Congrats on this wonderful achievement!

  39. Well done. Sounds like your hard work has paid off.

  40. Wow - those are amazing views! I can't even imagine my little blog getting that kind of traffic (but that won't stop me from trying)! Congratulations!

  41. I have to say it was a little hard to read this (I wasn't sure what I was reading at first) but when I realized what it was, I was amazed. Congrats! Looks like your hard work paid off. And great gif choices!

  42. This is an amazing achievement to have this many views per month! I love your blog, and the stories you are posting - keep up the good work!

  43. wowww truly awsome ..congratulations :)

  44. Congratulations! That is a really awesome milestone to hit as a blogger! Keep up the good work!

  45. Wow! congratulations! 200k views are a milestone for any blogger, especially if you achieve that in one year. Keep up the good work!

  46. Congratulations on reaching 200k views, this is an amazing accomplishment and milestone as a blogger! Keep up the good work and aim towards 500K next! :)

  47. That's truly amazing! Congrats and good luck for the next 200k!

  48. Congrats on the views! That is so awesome and celebratory. x

  49. Congratulations!! It's really something amazing!!!

  50. Congratulations on your incredible milestone! It must've made your day, as I know it would for me. Your doing great work, hoping for more success in your future!

  51. Congrats on the milestone! Here's to another 200k ahead!
    xo Chelsea

  52. I'm so happy for you! 200k pageviews per month is a super great milestone! Congratulations and I'm sure we'll see 500k soon!

  53. congrats. This is an awesome stats and as I newbie myself, I can only dream of getting 100k view per year. I really need to work harder. Got any tips for blogger newbies to get more page views?

  54. Wow! That is freaking amazing!! I love hearing about bloggers reaching new heights in their journey. I can never feel down about my own journey because it people like you who shows us it can be done in due time. Thank you for sharing!

  55. WOW! congrats for 200k views, that's quite an achievement in an year
