Monday, 24 October 2016

Literature Tag: Roy Huff

Inspire. Create. Write.TM

Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate.
Little by little, one travels far~J.R.R. Tolkien


This #MondayMotivation, I have the privilege nay the extreme glory to introduce you to an unbelievable author that I've met along my journey. You should see this guy on guest posts, he's one of the most versatile Authors I know. He is the type of author I strive to become one day for the following reasons:
  • Great readership fan base
  • Large follower to following ratio
  • Alot of interaction on posts/writing
  • Published books/works across not only the fiction board but the personal development one too {an impressive & complete List of his published works can be found Here}
  • Self Motivated & Goal oriented
  • Guest Posting & Features on many different blogs/websites
  • Lives in Hawaii
  • Loves Japan

Meet Roy Huff

Roy Huff is a research scientist, author, and teacher who overcame the hardship of a family plagued by severe poverty and mental illness. After graduating high school as Valedictorian a year early, he moved to Hawaii at the age of seventeen with only $100 in his pocket to start a new life.
His interests are eclectic and range from the arts, extreme sports, economics, hard science, movies, traveling, and the outdoors. Roy Huff remains committed to promoting education, applied science, individuality, and creativity.

Literature Tag:

1. What is your all-time favorite book?
  • That’s an impossible question to answer. I have many favorites. A few including The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, & Lord of the Rings series’. I also enjoy many non-fiction books such as Think and Grow Rich and others.
2. According to you, which Quote best describes you as a person?
  • “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost

3. What is your favorite English word, and why?

  • Another impossible question. I like many: Hope, action, surprise, optimistic, happy, dream, do, learn, goal, write.
4. What is your favorite word in your home language, and what does it mean?
  • See answer #3.
5. Being a blogger/author, what is the most difficult part about writing for you?
  • Sitting down and writing. Once I start it’s easy. Fear and procrastination are the enemy of writers. 
6. What inspires you to write the most?
  • When I get positive feedback from readers, it’s a tremendous motivator. I also love the fact that my words are my legacy. The fact that people will be able to read my words years, decades, and centuries after I’m gone pushes me to keep going. 
7. Who is your favorite Author?
  • I have many, but I’ll say Tolkien. 
"Gandalf the Jazzed"
8. In how many languages can you write in?

  • I’m fluent in English, but I can write some Japanese, but not well enough to write a book, at least not yet. 
9. If you had to MAKE UP/INVENT one word, what would it be? And what would that word mean?
  • Habiteer – An expert in stacking good habits who achieves what others once thought to be an impossible goal. 
10. Make a sentence containing the following words: Three, Birds, Sauce, Hug and Gay (As in happy)
  • Three gay birds hugged after inventing an awesome secret sauce.
11. Assign your own meaning to the following made-up words:
  • Bugalhet – A person who plays the bugle and eats bagels. 
  • Wiftigious – To smell frequently even in the absence of an odor.
  • Doraning – The name given to those looking to copy Dora the Explorer
12. What word rhymes best with Sugar?
  • Pusher
13. Sum up your experience of Blogging in one rhyming sentence.
  • Finding no time is the crime, but to break it, you must take it. 
14. Who is your favorite character from a book? Why him/her?
  • Another impossible question. Harry Potter is good, but so are many others. I love escape and fantasy and those that overcome impossible obstacles. 
15. What would be the Ultimate Goal for you to achieve as a Writer?
  • A hundred million plus New York Times bestseller. 
16. Can you remember the moment you fell in love with words/literature?
  • I loved Edgar Allen Poe in high school. 
17. Do you have a good support structure while writing?
  • Yes. My family and friends are supportive, and I use online tools and resources. 
18. Why is reading important to you?
  • Reading makes you a better writer, and gives you he knowledge you need to learn anything. It also improves your ability to focus and develop good habits. 
19. What is your most memorable childhood book?
  • Charlotte’s Web. 

Quick Fire {choose one}

Poems or Quotes 

Rock or Pop

Handwriting or Typing

Fiction or Non-Fiction


Plotter or Pantser

Traditional or Self-Publishing

Depends on the goal

Reading alone or for Other People

Tips & Tricks:

1. Do you have any great writing resources that you can share with us?
2. What would you say to other aspiring writers out there?
  • Write daily, even if just one paragraph. Read about improving your writing daily, and read something daily. It’s not about talent, it’s about persistence and learning. Anyone can become a great writer if they keep putting in the effort, i.e., write, read, and read about improving your writing as much as possible. Small gains daily add up to tremendous gains over time.
3. If there was just one nugget of wisdom you could share, what would that be?
  • Don’t give up. Don’t listen to people who have given up or never tried. Seek advice from those who succeeded and you wish to emulate. Be persistent and focus on changing bad habits. It’s the consistent small good habits that push you towards your dreams over time.
Have you written any books? Tell us about it/them.

  • I’ve written four books in an eight-part epic-fantasy series called Everville. The latest was Everville: The Fall of Brackenbone which takes place partly in a university and partly on a parallel fantasy world with fantasy characters that work with the protagonist, Owen Sage, to stop the destruction of the word from evil forces. 
Buy Everville Books: Amazon Link
  • I also wrote a self-help book on happiness and success this past summer, which I’m currently working on to get published and promoted. You can get a feel for my self-help writing by reading my Lifehack articles here.
Stay tuned to Roy Huff's upcoming releases & promotions:

© Enricoh Alfonzo ~ Alfonzo Words
  • I’d love to keep connected with you! 
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  1. Awesome interview!! I need to check out Everville, it def sounds like my cup of tea :D

  2. Love the interview! Need to check it out!

  3. What a great interview! Going to check this out!

  4. Great interview!

    I'm always impressed when people can be fluent in another language.

  5. Such a great interview. First time hearing of this author will have to check his stuff out

  6. I too love Charlotte’s Web. I love how he was able to move to Hawaii on only $100.

  7. Another interesting and inspiring interview! I’ve never heard of this author, but I love his philosophy of life and his writing tips and tricks. I definitely have to check his books out :-)

  8. I love the questions they are so unique!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Fantastic interview. Love the answer to #13 :)

  11. I like this interview! That is one of my favourite posts as well!

  12. I enjoyed reading this post. That's such a great idea to use tag for questions.

  13. Some good tag questions. I especially enjoyed learning some of his favourite books like The Hunger Games which is obviously a great choice!

  14. Those are great questions and great answers. I really enjoyed reading this interview.

  15. This was a great interview! I would have to differ on the Poem vs Quote part, poetry is so much better in my opinion!

  16. Great interview and perfect for motivation Monday!

  17. Our Family World24 October 2016 at 20:10

    What a wonderful interview and glad to know about him!

  18. What a great interview. Makes me want to do an interview myself but I would get stuck on questions but I do plan to in the future. I love his tips. I know I try writing everyday but sometimes life aka my son gets in the way of that.

  19. Such a neat interview. Now to try and implement some of tips for writing. Thanks for sharing! (posting for Jay Simms)

  20. He sounds absolutely amazing, and I do like his tip about how writing has more to do with practicing frequently and reading as much as you write.

  21. Great interview. I love a good book.

  22. This looks like a brilliant interview and the questions are quite good.

  23. Seems like a great interview! I'll have to check it out!

  24. Such a good interview and BTW Ilove the book

  25. Awesome interview, love it! I need to check it out :)

  26. I love reading interviews always lets you in the mind of another!

  27. Oooo what a great read to start this week out with!! So insprirational!

  28. I love his invented word of habiteer. His sentence about the birds hugging was silly and cute too.

  29. Very informative interview. I need to be more accountable for my goals, this is a good idea.

  30. He sounds like a fun person, very positive and full of wisdom! I'm glad you got to interview him. His books sound so interesting!

  31. sounds like the interview went pretty well! Thanks for sharing!

  32. This is the first time that I've heard of this author. He sounds like a fun friend to hang out with!

  33. I am intrigued by Everville, such a lovely interview and great author

  34. Great interview. I love the tips. I'm checking out Smart Blogger now! I'm impressed he moved to Hawaii at such a young age with only $100!

  35. I love your interview, it's so informative and you did such a great job! Very well done my friend :)

  36. Lovely interview and I am also a huge Tolkein fan which somehow made it even more fun to read!

  37. Seriously great interview! Loved reading all his answers, and love that Harry Potter is among his favourites. So interesting!

  38. Great interview! I really enjoyed reading it! It was fun, interesting and certainly very inspiring! Thank you! :)

  39. You have a great way with words which I think is a plus you will be the perfect author.

  40. What a fun interview to get to do! I have never heard of Roy Huff before his books sound like a great read!

  41. Wow fabulous interview! It's incredible to see the Roy Huff's success story. Fantastic!

  42. Wow!! Very nice post - great interview! I enjoyed reading it ;-)

  43. Even with his awesome inspirations, I feel like his own books and writings are unique enough to stand out. Tales around student life and fantasy? Count me in!

  44. Fun interview. And I felt a little giddy. We shared the same interest on Charlotte's Web. IHIHI
